Sunday, April 15, 2007


What am i doin?? i have so many blogs all around n i end up creating one more account!! Hmmm...i hope i stick along with this site n i hope all my words leave "A mark" foreva here!!..Credit goes to K coz i ended up creating this account after seeing her blog :).. this blog is also goin to be a repository of my nasty works with words... here first so-called-short-story

The Untold Tale Of Tears!!
It was just another day till she said....."Ma! I’m leaving home. I got my own life now. I got a job, I sure can manage alone....n on top of everything....I got 'Him'....I need a change....Good Bye!!"....Mommy could not understand what was happening...she spoke noting....but while she was listening to her baby, her thoughts were running along with her tears.....

I felt her from the time she was not on earth…
Life meant nothing to me, for she gave all its worth
Even now when I see her, when I touch her
I’m reminded of the first day I touched her....
In my arms, she cried...
for everything was new to my baby, even ME!!
I could see me growing, as she was growing…
For I felt she was me, with a new life, with new energy ...
But.. I thought I knew her... Was I wrong???
For she had so many unknown things in her,
I can feel her leave me, as I can see her go away...
Baby I’m sorry for not knowing u...
But how long can I stay without u, As u are my life...
Good bye sweet heart.....Good bye!!!

Mommy's tears had no meaning to the girl.. as she had a new genesis in front of her...her love was more on flare than anything else in the whole wide world.....she left home...was happy for few days, till she found what a yob her love was...she could see her doomsday nearing, as she saw her love fade away...n so did the day come, when the judgment had to b taken by god, her MOM...she was left alone...she thought she could live alone...but she was wrong.. she could not goggle at her lonely life anymore...she wanted her family back...

After 5 long years...she went down the streets where she used to run around...where she used to walk along wit her mom n dad.. she trembled along her walk n knocked the door, which she never used to, as it was always open to her....the door opened n she saw her dad doddering....she could not express her feelings… coz she did not know if she was happy or scared...she was worried if her family would take her back....before she could say anything, her dad handed her a note....
On the envelope she saw..."To my baby girl " was written by her mommy....n she went on...

"My baby, this is jus to tell u that I’m not angry....I can never be angry honey....u r my heart n I don’t know how long this old lady can live without it...this home was always open to u n will be...I know u will come back to meet me...Jus that if I’m not in this world, this letter will show how much I still love u !!!!....God Bless U My Child "............ they have any meaning now!!!......
.....................................END OF THE STORY.....................................

Ahem, novice?? Yep, i agree!! when i typed these words i was in first year of my college..wondering what i am now?? i work!! whr?? u better turn blind and deaf hehehe..I will b back..very soon..

I was flippin arnd the pages of Chamber's dictionary and this word caught my attention
-dispathy - misspelling of dyspathy !! hahaha never knew a dictionary cud make me laugh LOL

And after watchin Goodfellas i was watching Kill Bill ..awesome movies...

Revenge is a dish best served cold - I agree ;)