Laziness should not be loathed. Laziness brings out the creativity just like how
inertia is one of the fundamental principles to describe motion (trying hard to find out the connection?? keep trying, what other useful work do you have when I find you reading my blog!!????!!!). Thinking of it,
every other weekend has been my well cherished lazy weekend for quite sometime now. Laziness is not as simple as you think, it takes all the courage to remain in that state and just a small realization to get out of it. I keep denying the fact that I realized it long time back.
What are the things that a lazy person can do
- nothing !! ( devil's workshop is interesting, try fixing some bolts, will you!!)
- gaining tremendous knowledge about crappy movies. So next time you plan to watch some movie on TV try asking a lazy friend of yours , " how crappy is it pal! " and you will be amazed with the criticism filled with facts!!
- laziness activates your taste buds. Gluttony (adding on to the sin??? Nah, its fun) rents your body and it can bring out amazing cooks around you (note: around you ). One of the suitable jobs that a lazy person can opt for is "Food taster" (now all that we need to find is a king!! hurray).
- laziness can prove that one can make maggy in a minute and eat it for an hour watchin flint stones.
- laziness can prove that you randomly hit any website assuming to enhance knowledge (what a loser!!) and end up reading a worthless blog like this (gotcha!!! muhahahahah).
- laziness can activate that unused part of your brain which involves in "thinking out of the box". I know you wont trust me on this. All you need to do is - try it!! come on, be lazy!!! :D
- finally , everything.
I was chatting with a friend of mine and I said "I am too lazy to do anything other than staying awake" ... and look mama...i typed a blog entry!!!!!