What are the things that a lazy person can do
- nothing !! ( devil's workshop is interesting, try fixing some bolts, will you!!)
- gaining tremendous knowledge about crappy movies. So next time you plan to watch some movie on TV try asking a lazy friend of yours , " how crappy is it pal! " and you will be amazed with the criticism filled with facts!!
- laziness activates your taste buds. Gluttony (adding on to the sin??? Nah, its fun) rents your body and it can bring out amazing cooks around you (note: around you ). One of the suitable jobs that a lazy person can opt for is "Food taster" (now all that we need to find is a king!! hurray).
- laziness can prove that one can make maggy in a minute and eat it for an hour watchin flint stones.
- laziness can prove that you randomly hit any website assuming to enhance knowledge (what a loser!!) and end up reading a worthless blog like this (gotcha!!! muhahahahah).
- laziness can activate that unused part of your brain which involves in "thinking out of the box". I know you wont trust me on this. All you need to do is - try it!! come on, be lazy!!! :D
- finally , everything.
I was chatting with a friend of mine and I said "I am too lazy to do anything other than staying awake" ... and look mama...i typed a blog entry!!!!!