Sunday, October 11, 2009


Frustrated with work she crumples a piece of paper and throws it out of the window with wooden frame. The act brings in a smile as she was delighted to put on a kid's shoe. The useless paper ball, drawing doodles, gently hits a kid walking on a dry land. "Is this a gift from god?", thinks the child. In a jiffy the kid straightens the crumpled paper and makes a cute little boat. He looks up and a tiny drop of rain kisses his cheeks. In no time the boat starts its sail. The act brings in a smile as the kid found out what the gift was. He looks around to see happiness everywhere!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Too lazy to finish my short story

Ah well!! I have wasted time and I cannot afford wasting it more. Pasting below, my new shorttttt shorty!! The repetition of "t" in short is self explanatory, once you are done with reading the story!!

"Damn! Look at my life!! Why doesn't anything change AT ALL??", grumbled Lucky, with his fingers getting excited to hold the "killer butt". He loved the "Get It Race". He loved calling hisGoldflake Kings cigarette the "killer butt".Lucky lived with Josch, Prasad and Guru. All of them had the same definition of enjoyment except Guru - Late night parties, boozing and smoking the good earned tension out were their all time favourites. Guru liked being with them. There was one more jelling factor among these roomies - Techies!! They worked for different organizations but knew that they were stagnant on same boat instead of sailing!
Like any other morning the day started with Josch, Prasad and Lucky smoking. It was asunday and pals had all the time to discuss about things they liked the most in life. "Hey Joscheyboy!! Are you a passionate person??", asked Lucky. "Oh yeah dude, I love love and sex", instantly said Josch with the widest dirty grin on his face. Irked up Lucky, trying to rephrase, said "Duh! Come on man. You know what I mean. Is there something in life which you wanted to do in life which the love and sex with computers have not let you do?". Before Lucky could continue the converstaion Prasad bursted out "GUITAR!!! I just love holding it guys. The mesmerizing feel that you when you strum it!!! uffffff", and Lucky bursted out before prasadcould finish "Just like the feel that you get when you get your taste buds molested with dark chocolate truffle??? ufffff" and Josch completed the conversation with his usual perverted style "Hmmmmmmmmmmm"..Furious Lucky, almost killed Josch with his angry looks. "Chill it dude, I am listening to you both, go on go on go on" said Josch. They started talking about guitars, football, cars, girls, bike rides etc. They seemed to like everything in the whole damn world other but liked nothing about their profession. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 and 8. It was the 8th fag they were having within the span of an hour.
Josch got annoyed seeing that it was their last pack of 10 cigs. Ignoring his annoyance Lucky said "We all first met at the smoking zone of "Tansa". The pub which beats out to be our favourite one!! Oh God!! We have smoked our lives out maaannn." The conversation was too interesting to be kept short. "It started in college were I started smoking just for the heck of it!!", while prasad was talking like alway Josch interuppeted "Oh yeah, Oh yeah, I just wanted to impress girls back then. Smokey way to get chick you know ;-)". "Shut up you brainless moron" said Lucky and prasad continued talking. "And the journey started. Made hundreds of friends at the smoking zone. The jolly smoke turned into a need to get rid of the fuming tensions in office. Smoke accompanied with booze became a ritual. We sit here, on a sunday morning, smoking our 9th killer butt cherishing our past!!", finished prasad and Josch popped in again, "Break..Break..this is getting too sentimental for guys like us. Who wants to see Josch crying??? If you all stop talking I would like to remind that next fag is our last fag!! We are running out of killer butts killers!!". Lucky like always loves exaggerating everything,even the dying ceremony of the cigarette packet, shouted "Damn! Look at my life!! Why doesn't anything change AT ALL??", and lighted the 10th fag. Guru, whose presence was ignored by the enthralling "talk out" session, said "You guys have changed my life". Before the rest could make fun of him, considering Guru's statement as an outcome of the sentimental end of their conversation Guru continued, "The reports says, I have cancer". Silence. "Its because of passive smoking" and the silence continued with the last killer butt killing itself, struck between Lucky's fingers, all the way to glory!!.

This is just the crux.. I have to fine tune the content more to make it look like a short story!! Right now its Shorttttt :D :D...

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Am I scared of doing something new? something different? I wonder and my thoughts wander. It has been quite sometime now. I have been in this "self-realization" mode!! I start my mornings with a banging knock on the brain - "hello!! Anybody in there?? What exactly are you?? err I mean who exactly are you?? What the hell do you want out of life??". The knock becomes a reality check - "do i really have a brain?? I haven't seen it till now!!! Hmmm fishy". That's when I realize I prefer starting my mornings with shit!
I have been following standards till now. Oh yes! As a kid I went to the best of the play schools. In school I managed to always be within the first three ranks (now, it doesn't really matter. Back then I was crazy about collecting certificates!! Damn, I should have made it my hobby!) . In college I got freaked out thinking about campus interviews. I attended the first campus interview and got selected. Happiness spread all over.Losing interest in studies; I managed to be the topper of my department ( and I didn't even know it till my uncle called me up on the day of convocation).Finally, got a job and I am settled - that's what people told me. But I keep asking myself - what next??
I am immature. I am 25 years old. I get bored easily. Settling down with a job which never really caught my interest (though I always manage to get a good name, ah self-booster :D) made me think more. I realized that following standards has made my life Monotonous. I am living a live which gives definition to the word Monotonous. I have ended up doing what others do and others ended up doing what others do!! Oh no!! Somebody save me.
Is there anybody out there who is trying to get out of standardization? Gosh, Am I trying to create a standard now????

Saturday, July 18, 2009


Laziness should not be loathed. Laziness brings out the creativity just like how inertia is one of the fundamental principles to describe motion (trying hard to find out the connection?? keep trying, what other useful work do you have when I find you reading my blog!!????!!!). Thinking of it, every other weekend has been my well cherished lazy weekend for quite sometime now. Laziness is not as simple as you think, it takes all the courage to remain in that state and just a small realization to get out of it. I keep denying the fact that I realized it long time back.

What are the things that a lazy person can do

- nothing !! ( devil's workshop is interesting, try fixing some bolts, will you!!)
- gaining tremendous knowledge about crappy movies. So next time you plan to watch some movie on TV try asking a lazy friend of yours , " how crappy is it pal! " and you will be amazed with the criticism filled with facts!!
- laziness activates your taste buds. Gluttony (adding on to the sin??? Nah, its fun) rents your body and it can bring out amazing cooks around you (note: around you ). One of the suitable jobs that a lazy person can opt for is "Food taster" (now all that we need to find is a king!! hurray).
- laziness can prove that one can make maggy in a minute and eat it for an hour watchin flint stones.
- laziness can prove that you randomly hit any website assuming to enhance knowledge (what a loser!!) and end up reading a worthless blog like this (gotcha!!! muhahahahah).
- laziness can activate that unused part of your brain which involves in "thinking out of the box". I know you wont trust me on this. All you need to do is - try it!! come on, be lazy!!! :D
- finally , everything.

I was chatting with a friend of mine and I said "I am too lazy to do anything other than staying awake" ... and look mama...i typed a blog entry!!!!!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Baby's day in

Dawn Yawwnn and I jump off my bed. Laziness should not be conquered that easily and thus my laptop comes to the rescue of my inertia!! Bravo !! Few tabs are always open in my laptop - gmail, orkut, facebook, twitter, youtube, wikipedia and dictionary..Just when I started wondering how I haven't got tired of this virtual world the strong aroma of Chai ( aka Tea) tickled my olfaction. Mommy darling serves me tea preventing my arse to make any movement. I love my laziness or does it love me??? both ways ??? blah!! (Pssstt.. the lunch was also served and i didn't have to move an inch from my place ;) )
Living in virtual world is fun but today I got bored. So what did i do? I sat in front of the so called Idiot box aka Television. Now what the hell was that? Semi virtual??? Whatever!! Channel surfing is actually a pain when there are too many channels and by sheer luck every other channel telecasts a stupid "not worth it" advertisement!! Again I got bored. So what did i do? ( "as if i am bothered" isn't that what you are thinking??? gotcha :D, anyway the answer is "i don't care" :P) Plan C was to take my family out (I leave it to your intelligence to interpret what plan A and B was.). Nagging, irritating, crying, rolling on the floor and weeping, puuhhhlleeaaaasseee - these were the acts to bring out a small nod of affirmation from my dad n mom. It's actually easy, try it next time !! (don't give me that look now ;)).
My not-so-convinced mom got ready and my damn-i-got-convinced dad was about to get ready, when it started :( :( :( ... it started raining :'( sniff sniff...bloody it had to rain today in CHENNAI???!!???? Of all the places in the world it had to RAIN TODAY IN CHENNAI???!!!?????? Well I am blessed !! Really?? Back to Plan A now :D

Note: Well I did have a nice time today. Trust me!!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

It's raining!!

It's raining outside, look ma its raining !!! Well you might think whats so exciting about the rain? The answer is I stay in Chennai. Chennai is an awesome place to live. I have been staying here right since my second grade. Everything about Chennai is good apart from the growing population, wide spreading pollution, the bumpy roads, the sticky sweat etc. Now what are the four periods of the year??? Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter. Oh really?? How about this It's like summer, Summer, It' still summer and it's not winter?? Past few months has dehydrated me and I guess it should have dehydrated the state itself. Any slight feel of chillness or wetness gets me excited these days (folks I am talking about the nature, don't you get weird ideas). Ah it's raining!!! :D

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


Just to give a tiny peep into the depth of my you go

Tanned skin, the burning sun
Deprived of originality
we make our world
How original is it now?

Fast paced, the undesired marathon
raging crave to succeed
we make our world
by winning lonely races?

Swimming in tit for tats
Dwelling in brickbats
we make our world
A hero with losing morales?


There are times when time stops
And you find yourself
balancing on those slippery rocks
just to feel the chillness of river.
Stillness amidst the lovely flow
revolting thoughts and pacifying memories
staring at the lonely river
fighting to find the lonely shore
we make our world
time to find our identity?