Saturday, July 4, 2009

Baby's day in

Dawn Yawwnn and I jump off my bed. Laziness should not be conquered that easily and thus my laptop comes to the rescue of my inertia!! Bravo !! Few tabs are always open in my laptop - gmail, orkut, facebook, twitter, youtube, wikipedia and dictionary..Just when I started wondering how I haven't got tired of this virtual world the strong aroma of Chai ( aka Tea) tickled my olfaction. Mommy darling serves me tea preventing my arse to make any movement. I love my laziness or does it love me??? both ways ??? blah!! (Pssstt.. the lunch was also served and i didn't have to move an inch from my place ;) )
Living in virtual world is fun but today I got bored. So what did i do? I sat in front of the so called Idiot box aka Television. Now what the hell was that? Semi virtual??? Whatever!! Channel surfing is actually a pain when there are too many channels and by sheer luck every other channel telecasts a stupid "not worth it" advertisement!! Again I got bored. So what did i do? ( "as if i am bothered" isn't that what you are thinking??? gotcha :D, anyway the answer is "i don't care" :P) Plan C was to take my family out (I leave it to your intelligence to interpret what plan A and B was.). Nagging, irritating, crying, rolling on the floor and weeping, puuhhhlleeaaaasseee - these were the acts to bring out a small nod of affirmation from my dad n mom. It's actually easy, try it next time !! (don't give me that look now ;)).
My not-so-convinced mom got ready and my damn-i-got-convinced dad was about to get ready, when it started :( :( :( ... it started raining :'( sniff sniff...bloody it had to rain today in CHENNAI???!!???? Of all the places in the world it had to RAIN TODAY IN CHENNAI???!!!?????? Well I am blessed !! Really?? Back to Plan A now :D

Note: Well I did have a nice time today. Trust me!!

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