Thursday, July 2, 2009

It's raining!!

It's raining outside, look ma its raining !!! Well you might think whats so exciting about the rain? The answer is I stay in Chennai. Chennai is an awesome place to live. I have been staying here right since my second grade. Everything about Chennai is good apart from the growing population, wide spreading pollution, the bumpy roads, the sticky sweat etc. Now what are the four periods of the year??? Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter. Oh really?? How about this It's like summer, Summer, It' still summer and it's not winter?? Past few months has dehydrated me and I guess it should have dehydrated the state itself. Any slight feel of chillness or wetness gets me excited these days (folks I am talking about the nature, don't you get weird ideas). Ah it's raining!!! :D


Ajai said...

Was just browsing when I came by your blog. Nice stuff. Keep em coming. :)

Words of Venus said...

Ah well... The more I am hit with boredom the more will i scribble :D... Thnx!!

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